Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Dream

A while back I was forced to seriously reevaluate where I believed my life was headed. In one fail swoop all my dreams disappeared and as much as I wanted to, I realized I wouldn't be able to get them back. So, I was forced back to square one and I had to ask myself, 'what do I enjoy doing?', 'what are my passions?', and 'What is my new dream?'

I realized that I had never lost my old passions, I had simply been putting them by the wayside for so long I had forgotten they were there, and that is something I vow never to do again. My top dreams were the same ones that they had been for a long time. I want to be an author with books so renowned they are more beloved than Harry Potter. I want to give someone a constant friend through my books when they desperately need them, the way I was given a friend through books when I needed them.

I want to travel and experience different cultures. I love traveling and always have. I love everything about them; Mythology, tradition, cuisine, history, holidays, architecture, and languages. I love experiencing new things and having everything being a new adventure. I've always believed that you should try everything at least once and those that you don't like at least once more - Every time. And if you ever have an opportunity to try something you find absolutely terrifying close your eyes, hold your breath, and go for it.

So here I am. Closing my eyes. Holding my breath. And going for it.


  1. It seems that you have turned into a very mature and brave young woman who's got a good head on her shoulders. I commend you for going after your dreams. I look forward to living vicariously through your blog posts.

  2. Thanks Shauna! That's very sweet of you to say ^_^ I hope you enjoy my posts. I will do my best to give you an adventurous vicarious life!
