k guy were gonna have a mostly pictures and short recordings blog post if'n I can get this to work. Fingers crossed!
Here's my second graders!
Genny is corn syrup coated in sugar sweet but she can be the biggest distraction in the entire class. She loves being the center of my attention. She gives me a hug and a kiss everyday at lunch and dinner. I love her... even whilst screaming at her.
Eva: I absolutely lover her. She is so good at speaking English and doing anything that I ask her to do. She always has the most tokens at the end of the day. She's kinda shy but she's warming up to me!
Alison: is getter nicer and nicer. She won't say much but she behaves very well. She can be a bit of a stinker as evidence by her photo ;)
Doug: is such a sweetheart! When I was trying to figure out what his name was all the other kids were telling me his name was Duck (quack, quack). It took me forever to hear him whispering that his name was Doug. The other kids tease him and it makes me soo mad! He's one of my favorites!
Tina: she's my second in command and sometimes forgets that I'm in charge. I love her. If I'm ever overwhelmed with crazy kids all I have to do is ask her to get everyone else in line and she starts yelling and chewing the other kids out in Chinese. We're not supposed to allow Chinese but... She's the smallest but the fieriest and all the other kids are terrified of her :)
Reese: has the cutest smile! On his good days I love him! On his not so good days (which are numerous) he's giggly, won't pay attention, and a bit of a class clown.
Brian: he was one of my biggest trouble makers and pain in the butts. Ever. Then I tried making him a class leader and it worked so well! He's a sweet boy, and he tries to be good. Most days.
Scott and Ron
Scott: He's such a class clown. I end up yelling at him more than I would like. He, Brian, and Reese are NEVER allowed to sit by each other. But he is very cute. Sigh...
Ron: is such a sweet and well behaved kid. He's kind of shy and quiet, but he's one of my favorites. He really likes tokens and praise. Can I just bring my favorites home?